Support Us Today

The Muslim Community Fund is actively seeking the support of our community to help realise our critical vision

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said :

“The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and consistent one, even if it is small”

(Al-Bukhari, Ibn Majah)

Why donate to the Muslim Community Fund?

What will the funds be used for?

The Muslim Community Fund aims to support programs, organisations and initiatives that serve the diverse needs of our local Muslim community.

Preserving the Islamic Identity

Mentorship programs

Media engagement & lobbying

Political engagement

Preserving the Islamic Identity

Mentorship programs

Media engagement & lobbying

Political engagement

Community outreach programs

Advocacy and legal support

Donation methods

One-off Contributions

We encourage strong contributions by successful and thriving organisations (and individuals) as a way to empower their community and create a thriving presence for Muslims in Australia.

Monthly Contributions

By becoming a monthly donor, you help ensure that we can fund vital programs that are most needed by our community. Your contributions will make a real and lasting difference to our community’s most pressing priorities and strategic needs.


A bequest to the Muslim Community Fund is an enduring gift that promises a stronger future for our community into the future. Leave a lasting legacy by donating through your will.

Offline Donations

Bank: National Australia Bank (NAB)

Account Name: Muslim Community Fund

BSB: 082 356

Account Number: 809 174 750

PayID: [email protected]