Building a Brighter, United Future for Australian Muslims.

The Muslim Community Fund is a novel initiative aimed at nurturing the development and wellbeing of Australia’s growing Muslim community.

Introducing the Muslim Community Fund

A fund for our
community’s local needs

Our community is expanding rapidly and so is our needs. The Muslim Community Fund will support essential initiatives including advocacy, lobbying, and media engagement.

Ali Kadri

CEO of Islamic
College of Brisbane

Sheikh Shadi

President of ANIC

Ramia Abdo Sultan

Lawyer at LawBridge
Lawyers & Consultants

Supported & Established by

Supported and established by the  Australian National Imams Council and the Alliance of Australian Muslims , our purpose is to serve the most pressing needs and interests of the community.
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Ali Kadri

CEO of Islamic
College of Brisbane

Sheikh Shadi

President of ANIC

Ramia Abdo Sultan

Lawyer at LawBridge
Lawyers & Consultants

What will the funds be used for?

The Muslim Community Fund aims to support programs, organisations and initiatives that serve the diverse needs of our local Muslim community.


Why the Muslim Community Fund?

The Muslim Community Fund is a pioneering initiative established to cater for the individual and collective needs of the Muslim diaspora in Australia. After more than a century of migration to Australia and the formation of a merged Muslim Australian identity, we believe it is time to combine our expertise and resources and address the needs of almost a million Australian Muslims under one powerhouse network. Through Muslim Community Fund we endeavour to nurture and develop the well-being and advancement of Australia’s fast growing Muslim Community.
The Muslim Community Fund was established with the vision to unite, and simultaneously, strengthen the Muslim community. While there are ample initiatives to improve the experience of the Muslim Community in Australia, the monetary means to achieve such initiatives are limited. At Muslim Community Fund, we strive to serve the community through funding its most pressing needs and driving projects that create a lasting impact. The Muslim Community Fund will concentrate on collecting funds and contributions and channelling them towards the strategic interests of the Australian Muslim community. In such challenging, yet hopeful times, it is crucial to use our combined resources to strengthen our presence in shaping the Australia of tomorrow.
As the Australian Muslim community experiences growth and positive transformation, there is an increasing need to consolidate our vision while embracing and understanding each other’s differences. With Allah’s blessings and ultimate help, the Muslim Community Fund aims to forge a united community bloc. This bloc aims to hear the community’s concerns and translate them into tangible actions and outcomes. The establishment of the Muslim Community Fund is unprecedented in its ambitious goal to develop a shared vision of success, stability and prosperity for all Muslims in all states and territories.
Using its power and influence, the Muslim Community Fund will strive to ensure decisions and policies in private and government institutions consider the well-being and betterment Australian Muslims and the broader Australian Community. From practical projects to media and political advocacy, the Muslim Community Fund will aim to push the Australian Muslim interest when and where most needed.
At the core principle of the Muslim Community Fund is the importance of a sense of identity, belonging and security. In the face of various challenges, Muslims have persevered for decades to establish an identity of strength, resilience and empowerment in Australia. With a more informed and educated generation than ever, the Muslim Community Fund is determined to cement this dream. From mentorship, community outreach programs, ongoing awareness campaigns, workshops, advocacy and legal support, the Muslim Community Fund will provide support to programs that aid in preserving our community’s mainstream Islamic identity and spirit.

Support the future of your Local Community.